Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Dad, I am alive! Can you believe it is Sept? I cannot. That is absolutly crazy! The seven weeks off of school was amazing and somehow it went by so fast. I am in behavioral health and it is good and a lot more emotionally taxing than I thought. Help me know how to react to these people and their unbelivable problems. Dad I am overwhelmed by the evil and pain in this world. It is beyond heart-wrenching. I have always thought of drug addicts as people who just need to get over it but I am discovering that I am wrong. It is something that has them by the scruff of the neck and they cannot break the hold without your help. Have mercy! I don't know how people live without you. I have done it a lot over the past year and it has ruined me. I realize I am so blessed and I have absolutly nothing to complain about. My life is amazing. I love you Daddy. You keep pursuing me and I am speechless. Don't Stop!! Tomorrow is crazy please continue to grant me grace. You O God are beyond human understanding! Who can comprehend your plans? You alone rule in mercy and perfectness. Worthy is your name. Holy!

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