Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Your Mom..

I figured out how to change the look of this blog! Or rather I took the time to figure it out and I love it. I really like blogging. I don't think anyone reads it but it is a nice way for me to process and I like easily being able to go back and see what has been on my mind.
I would love to theme is blog with stories from being a nurse but there is so much HIPPA stuff everywhere I am scared I will get called to court for something and have to bring this blog into it. How crazy is that?
For now I just enjoy rambling on in the rabbit trails of my brain.
I have decided to go through some counseling and we are going to work through the book "The Search for Significance" by Robert McGee. A woman that I know who has been a nurse has offered to get together with me on a regular basis and talk about life, nursing and anything else I want to talk about. It has been fantastic and I am excited about meeting with her regularly and in a more focused way. She recommended this book which I started today, it will take me a year to work though it if I want to glean from it all that I can. That sounds like an exciting prospect! I have been caught up in nursing stuff and just being busy and trying to stay alive through this night shift lifestyle that I haven't really taken time to work on myself emotionally and spiritually. I now realize that if I don't who I am becoming is not going to be the person I want to become. I am frequently overwhelmed by work and I see a lot of emotional stress as a direct correlation with the lack of time with Jesus. Jesus is amazing and I am often caught up in my own "give me" attitudes to realize He is calling me to more than I can fathom. There is a lot of basic principles that I have learned growing up in God-fearing household that are not so basic when applied to life. The work of applying is way more difficult than I realized.
This year I am going to apply myself to nourishing my spiritual and emotional health and being obedient to Jesus. Oh, boy. I am a little nervous.

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