Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A small space of time in the middle of the night.

I realized last night that the job I do is like those big ships at state fairs that swing back and forth, often very quickly. In the span of 10 minutes I hugged a crying wife as she spent her last night with her husband as he will be removed off the ventilator this morning. Fed apple juice to an old cuban woman whose blood sugar had dipped into the 40s as she declared I would need to come back soon as she was trying to do "kaka." Held a basin for a young boy only 6 months older than me as he vomited into a bucket and asked me what we were going to do now.
10 minutes.
I would not trade this job for anything.
I think I will give up the pretense and realize I will be in counseling for the rest of my life :)

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