You know what, I am focusing on the problems and the overwhelming pain. Which I do need to do just to release and validate the emotion. Today.....I can't even remember what I was trying to say. Yep. Bedtime. Join me Jesus and please make me more like you.
Friday, November 5, 2010
this is to much for this heart to handle
This day has been to long and I am to tired and I watched 2012 with the roomies. Dumb idea. I feel like could die from emotional strain. Work is work but after working the last 3 nights and then watching a somewhat real movie of the ending of the world. Lord what am I to do? I don't know if I can live through it sometimes. I try not to care about the people in movies but I seem unable to do that. i care a lot once I can see they are a real person with feelings. In a movie that happens quickly and then I am a lost cause. I am now exhausted from trying not to care. So I am watching MASH in an effort to calm down and release. MASH is helpful but doesn't quite do it all. At work I have spent 36 hours trying to communicate with a woman who is ventilated and cannot speak but is completely oriented. Such a sweet woman so both of us spent a lot of time being frustrated. Other than that my two patients weren't that bad. THe first night my guy could pretty much handle himself. The new woman the other two nights was sweet and somewhat confused. I feel at this point unable to muster strength but I still care about people even in a movie. How dumb is that. Why do I care so much? Overall I guess it is a good thing but right now I am so tired I want to give up on the world and be an uncaring B****. Lord I think I am angry about the pain in the world. There is so much of it and choose to see it all the time. A frequent question these days is how am I still alive? I don't know how to keep doing it. Jesus Christ how do I give things to you? *she stops to think for awhile*
Monday, November 1, 2010
The days I think about blogging are the days I feel melancholy. I secretly hope that some beautiful man will stumble upon my blog and decide that I am the best thing since sliced bread and we will live happily ever after. Sounds dumb to type it out but it is never the less true.
I am sitting in the dining room of our new house. My two roommates and I are renting and I am loving it. The windows of the kitchen dining area are completely fogged up because the washer and dryer have been running for the afternoon. Yes, our laundry room is attached to the kitchen dining area. Very convenient and right now everything is very moist. I feel like I am in an industrial rainforest. What does that even mean? It sounds like I am full of crap. excellent. That is probably the truth. I like sounding profound because I am...not.
We are headed to bible study tonight and the goal is going to be to pray. I am nervous. You are nervous about praying, you ask. Yes tonight I am. I haven't been talking to Jesus much lately and that means I have no idea what could happen. I have some things I need to be transparent about and there is always the chance everyone will be shocked by my sin and decide that I am a hopeless Christian. Will they be shocked that I have pulled the wool over their eyes and I am a disgusting wolf in sheep's clothing. I have enough guilt about my sin that if they confirm my thoughts I might run away. Seriously. Haven't really thought about how but that sounds like a great option. Ok...deep are starting to freak out.
I have been at work a lot lately. Not overtime just the days I work are really close together. It is a hard thing. That means the only people I really see are my co-workers and patients. I love my co-workers but I have different morals than most of them so there is a disabled way of my coping. I can't share a lot of my deep feelings because we don't agree on a lot of surface issues. I start to feel alone very quickly. time to go....
Saturday, September 4, 2010
It's that time again.
Yep, that time. You guessed's time to cry again.
I find that frequently when I am working (so this whole past year) I have to cry about once a week. That may not seem frequently to you but to me that has been an increase. Granted there are some weeks crying is a multiple times per day affair. The difference work has made is that I have to cry. Have too. It comes whether I like it or not. If I don't find a time to let it out it will descend when I least desire it. Such as in a patient's room. Not a good place.
Tonight seems to be that night. I am at home with family and am holding back until I go to bed tonight.
Friday, September 3, 2010
unhappy discovery
I did not know that a man who can only blink his eyes could reduce me to tears.
Tears of frustration.
It was a long 3 nights.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
I can't sleep...
I HATE this. It is 1:20 in the morning and here I am thinking about how great it would be to be asleep in my bed. I am at my parents house and because of the rain and lateness have decided to stay for the night. But no sleep for this girl. Maybe I am not really trying but am getting sucked into the vices of the internets. Whatever this scheduling thing is ridiculous. Being up this long and late cause me to question life and become introspective usually a very bad idea. I usually just end up in a place of fear and something else that isn't helpful. I do like working nightshifts most of the time but on nights like this I remember very clearly this downside. Jesus please put me to sleep. How am I to function with so little?
My brain is so screwy. There are so many things I need to do. When I have time I try to rest which doesn't help all the things I need to do. Somehow I still don't feel rested. I have climbed onto a hamster wheel and cannot get off. Could someone push me please? In You've Got Mail she talks to the void. That is what I want to do. Except Jesus, I know you are there. How do I focus on talking to you when I can't even focus on anything? My brain is an eternal bouncy ball. Rarely do I drop down in the same place. I used to have really good control, what happened. Did something I do initiate the loss of that control?
As most of these posts go. I need help. And I have no idea what. Do it Jesus. I can't.
The head heads back to the pillow.
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