Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Night Wind

I am sitting in my cuddly chair feet up on the friendly black leather ottoman listening to the sound of irregular raindrops through the screen. Yes, dear friend it is 2:41 in the am and I am not asleep. I slept from midnight to 2pm today. Unplanned and very much needed. If your body makes you sleep for 14 hours and you hear nothing, not a sound on the city streets just the beat of your own heart, then you know your body is tired. I probably could sleep now but I am loving this sweet spot. The gutters need to be cleaned this irregular rain drainage is pretty bad. Another goal for later today. For now it sounds like heaven.
I was lying in bed thinking awhile ago about our house and how much I love it. The back porch is peaceful with the picnic table and two rockers, one wooden and one pink plaid fold out. We are classy like that :) There is one massive oak tree along the back fence whose branches stretch over almost the whole back yard. Our kitchen and dining room are one with windows looking out into the driveway and a tile island stands in the middle of the kitchen. It isn't large but it is friendly. I was thinking about the dining room table and how much I love it. It is from my parents, the table we had growing up until my mother found a deal on a leaf table. The table has stains of many memories and it saw so many discussions, dad's note writings for work, and countless delicious meals created by my mother. I think my favorite thing about it though is the people I remember sitting around it. Mom and Dad did not hesitate to invite people over for dinner and I got to know so many interesting people(especially family ;) around that table. There is no better way to get to know someone than over home cooked food with a welcoming host. It's easier to talk when you are surrounded by a home, people who asked you to be there and created food with you in mind. I love cooking but even more I love sharing it with others and my favorite is making food with those people and sitting down to eat it together. Combined community with a task and experiencing the reward of your work. It's perfect. I want the man I marry to participate in this experience with me. The idea of having a partner to welcome people into our home to share food and laughs sounds like heaven...maybe that is why He says we will feast at His table. Oh man, I am going to start more practicing.
It's 3:07, this girl needs to rest this aspiring mind. I will have you over for dinner soon. Goodnight, Friend